One of the Biggest Challenges we Have in Network Marketing Today is FEAR! Fear of rejection, fear of potential outcomes, fear of what my prospects might say. Oftentimes we end the story before we even begin because we prejudge prospects and are afraid of what will happen. We don’t even give them an opportunity to say yes! So if you’re dealing with this type of fear and these thoughts have been lingering in your mind. I heard something recently that I thought was extremely powerful and wanted to share it with you!
Rather than being so Focused on the Outcome, Just Focus on Doing Your Part! Think about a baseball player… they don’t know what is going to happen. If they are going to hit the ball or not… If they are going to strike out, or get on base. They really have no clue! But they do the most important part…They just get up there and the swinging the bat!
How Would Things Change if You Adopted this Mindset! Like, who cares what they’re going to say! Who cares what’s going to happen… Who cares whether they say “yes” or “no” or the outcome of the situation. How about you just do your part? How about you just get up there and you swing the bat!
If you can take on the philosophy where you’re not attached to the outcome of the situation but you just get up there and you swing the bat it will be much more freeing experience! And the best part is, it will be much easier to talk to more prospects!
In 2 Timothy it says “God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and sound mind.” You can take this and put it in your pocket… use it for whenever you might need it. It will serve you greatly.
Watch the short video to hear more about how to get over your fear!
Handling Fear in Network Marketing
Everybody Deals with Fear. Even the boldest, baddest, most confident person… they too deal with fear! Not I think so is naive! But here is where things get good!
It’s How We Deal with Fear That Determines What We Get Out of Our Life! Fear can paralyze you, it can hold you back, it can make you anxious, it can make you worried. Or it can be something you use as a driver. Fear can be something that motivates… rather than deflates. Something that pushes you forward, rather than holding you back.
The Truth of TheMatter is, a Persons Situation is Entirely Based on Their Perspective Of It. How do they view it. How do they internalize it. What “meaning” do they give to it? When you get in a situation with a prospect, or with a goal in your life, and you feel fear. What happens to you? Do you shirk and want to avoid the situation? Or do you use it as something to energize you to charge forward?
Use Fear as a Compass… I was recently at the ANMP event. And one of the things that Bob Heilig shared from stage was how he uses Fear as a Compass. Rather than having it be something that pushes him back, he uses it as something that drives him forward.
When You Are Dealing with Fear, Think of It As a Compass in Your Life. If you’re going for something and you know that it’s a bit scary. Also know that you pushing through and getting to the other side, will make you the person that you need to be to achieve the greatness you want to see in your life.
If you’re fearful around something… it’s time that you “Stop Fearing” and “Start Doing”… When you do it and conquer the fear, you become Unstoppable! Your confidence goes through the roof! You feel amazing! And your feelings of empowerment can pour over to help a lot of other people who are dealing with the things that you just went through.
So the next time something comes up and it seems like a Goliath standing in your path. Just decide to charge forward! Conquer your fears! Use it as a compass. Use it as something that drives you! And when you come out Victorious on the other side, you will feel AMAZING!